Main Courses

360 Interactive Projection Dome

Our 360 Interactive Projection Dome offer a truly immersive and interactive experience that is built on an omni-channelled framework, allowing your content to come to life on a stunning all-round panoramic display that serves as an ever-evolving digital canvas above the audience.
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Interactive Projection Wall

Imagine a wall that combines the best of traditional static art, digital art and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. This is a wall that tells a story, activates multi-sensory experiences, stimulate the audiences through visual, audio, and even smell.
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people in front of projection mapping

Interactive Projection Mapping

Convert any space into an unforgettable experience for your consumers with state-of-the-art gesture tracking platforms via the interactive walls or interactive floor surfaces.
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writing wall marketing action for an exhibition

Writing Wall

Commonly used in galleries and MICE activities, this software application lets users write a personalised message or testimonial, doodle on faces or even create art masterpieces on the digital wall.
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Social Wall

A platform that allows you to curate and display live user-generated social media feeds based on user-specified requirements, Social Walls are increasingly popular for MICE activities, indoor and outdoor parties and other events.
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Interactive Webar Experiences

Looking for WebAR activations by scanning an image and not another QR code via your mobile web browser? Want to create Instagram-like experiences such as gamification with facial movement recognition on web?

Click the button below to get in touch with us and create your own WebAR campaign now!

We produce award-winning


We are excited to offer you our trusted platform that consists of a wide spectrum of design options, plugins and add-ons. If you’re based in Singapore, we power the entire Virtual Event from end to end at our 360 Virtual Event Studio right here with our dedicated team.
Going hybrid that is truly interconnected digitally?