
Fly with Cai Shen VR game

Cai Shen is the God of Wealth and is called upon by many during Chinese New Year. To create a VR experience around Cai Shen, we can have a virtual environment that is surrounded by gold ingots and coins falling from the sky.

The user will appear to be levitating in the sky. Every direction the user looks at will have huge clouds to simulate an atmosphere that is out of this world, and in Cai Shen’s realm. Cai Shen himself will be flying in front of the user, and serves
as the guide during the entire VR journey. He will signal a direction to fly to, and the user will proceed in that direction as part of the predetermined route.

Halfway through the travel, Cai shen will turn around, face the user and start tossing gold coins towards the player. The player will instinctively try to grab the coins using his/her hands which would create an amusing interaction for

Alternative gameplay that is closer to MarketTrend’s: Players will be playing as Cai Shen and, instead of a sleigh, Cai Shen will be riding on his trusty tiger.
Using the VR lens and controller, players will navigate through CNY-decorated houses and give out gold coins to the townspeople.

Interactive Webar Experiences

Looking for WebAR activations by scanning an image and not another QR code via your mobile web browser? Want to create Instagram-like experiences such as gamification with facial movement recognition on web?

Click the button below to get in touch with us and create your own WebAR campaign now!

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We are excited to offer you our trusted platform that consists of a wide spectrum of design options, plugins and add-ons. If you’re based in Singapore, we power the entire Virtual Event from end to end at our 360 Virtual Event Studio right here with our dedicated team.
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