Automated Smart Retail

Audi Shop

Launched in 2019

Audi is a German automobile manufacturer with its own line of luxury vehicles and its showrooms in Singapore regularly see potential car buyers checking out the latest models. To improve consumer engagement and optimise shopping in Audi Singapore’s showrooms, Trinax introduced an interactive vending machine (Audi Shop) notable for its user-friendly design.

What is the Experience?

The Audi Shop connected shoppers from a physical retail space to an online shopping experience and simultaneously automated the retail process. The user-friendly interface of the vending machine and instant gratification that consumers could feel when obtaining the products all contributed to a memorable brand experience for Audi’s valued customers.

What is the Objective?

The Audi Shop aimed to allow visitors to use their time effectively in Audi Singapore’s showrooms as they could browse Audi’s exclusive collection of car accessories while looking at new car models. With this automated retail platform, visitors could also enjoy fuss-free shopping for these complementary products in a single space.

How Does It Work?

Visitors can receive real-time product information by interacting with the touchscreen on the vending machine. Should the shoppers find something that catches their interest, they would be able to pay for the product on the spot using cashless payment, rendering long snaking lines at the checkout counter a thing of the past. Items would be collected from a drawer which extends from the vending machine at the user’s waist level.

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Interactive Webar Experiences

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