interactive Gallery

Georg Fischer

Launched in 2024

Start your journey and find out all about Georg Fischer in this interactive gallery space.

What is the Experience?

Georg Fischer’s Interactive Gallery features an elevated experience that seeks to bring their visitors on an informative journey.

This newly refreshed gallery features several interactive touchpoints starting with a large six panel LED touchscreen. This LED display allows visitors to navigate via the touchscreen to find out the industries Georg Fischer operates in. Visitors will also be able to find out more about Georg Fischer’s specialized solutions, measurement and control, and plans beyond.

Thereafter, visitors can access Georg Fischer’s different global locations through a curated touchscreen booth. Useful information like address, types of products and specifications can also be found through this booth.

Throughout the gallery, video content has also been fitted on screens to allow easy engagement.

What is the Objective?

To refresh and introduce interactive touchpoints to Georg Fischer’s physical gallery.

How Does It Work?

Georg Fischer’s newly refreshed Gallery focuses on increasing engagement with interactivity. Through the use of multiple LED displays, visitors will be able to easily found out more about Georg Fischer’s rich history and future plans.

These touchscreen displays are seamlessly fitted with curated video and written content that showcases all about Georg Fischer. Each display was also been carefully fitted at individual sections to highlight specific aspects in this brand.

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Galleries & Museums
Galleries & Museums

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Interactive Webar Experiences

Looking for WebAR activations by scanning an image and not another QR code via your mobile web browser? Want to create Instagram-like experiences such as gamification with facial movement recognition on web?

Click the button below to get in touch with us and create your own WebAR campaign now!

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